Friday, December 29, 2006

Lillian Roth's Fig Cake

“When the Red Red Robin Comes Bob-Bob-Bobbin' Along”

Our project's staunchest supporter Paulette gave her verdict on the Lillian Roth Fig Cake this morning as we all nursed mighty hangovers after going to the superb "Class Club" at the Barbican. Her and hubby declared the cake to be nice but the fig filling to be "Most Peculiar".

I'll be staying at their gaff again tomorrow night prior to heading off up to Suffolk to dance on the grave of the lunatic year that was 2006 and we will attempt to rustle up another star recipe that may be somewhat less peculiar.

Thursday, December 28, 2006

Zuzu's Petals

Season's Greetings! As is tradition there was a Christmas screening of "It's a Wonderful Life" at Rosalind's place. Her very own Jimmy Stewart had NEVER SEEN THE FILM. It caused much amusement as Rosalind and I kept passing each other tissues and when it had finished Jimmy flipped the TV over with great haste to catch the surfing film he ACTUALLY wanted to see.

I had planned to make Jimmy Stewart's Chicken Pie to eat during the film but Christmas Beer and Mandle Candles got in the way of that plan. It is proving super difficult to get some recipes under the belt what with festivities at every turn and being of no fixed abode.

I think I need to get off Rosalind's sofabed and find myself a kitchen...

Wednesday, December 13, 2006

Errol's Fish Dish Again

Had a lovely re-run of Errol Flynn's Baked Fish Havanaise with Paulette last night. It is the one and only dish that I can remember the ingredients for at the supermarket so I guess that makes it a house special.

I had a bit of a cry last night discussing the disastrous state of my love life. Today after lunch with my "Clarence" I have come to the conclusion that it is all my own stupid fault. If I insist on spending time with someone who thinks he is Errol Flynn why am I surprised when he behaves like Errol Flynn?

Tuesday, December 12, 2006

Gracie Fields and Goose Fat

"I wanna go home - I miss my cook"

Am experiencing withdrawal symptoms as I haven't been near a stove for weeks so the Silver Screen Suppers project has slowed to a halt. I'm back from the land of the long white cloud but currently of no fixed abode so cooking is proving a bit difficult.

I am currently at Paulette's place and she bought me a beautiful vintage pinny for my recent birthday so I am itching to get back to it. Maybe tonight if I can find a veggie recipe quick enough to do...

Life has been chockablock since my return mostly due to DJing at lots of swanky parties, a big birthday bash on Saturday night, rockabilly bowling, a commissioned article on 1920s fashions that I have to write by Sunday and an upcoming radio show about film soundtracks on 78rpm I need to prepare for. No wonder no cooking is being done.

But the reason I am really blogging is today's report in one of the broadsheets here that sales of GOOSE FAT have rocketed. The paper is claiming it is that luscious bit of stuff Nigella Lawson that has provoked this, but how do they know it isn't our blog readers making Gracie Fields' Hotpot?!