I am in BULGARIA having a whole heap of fun. I've been meeting Laurel's neighbours (mostly very cheery toothless ladies who want to hug and kiss me) and eating cauldrons of "four kinds of meat".
I've had one "Joan Crawford Day" which consisted of me re-reading Charlotte Chandler's fantastic biography in preparation for my lecture in July. I found myself a very swanky bar that served Shirley Temples with neon plastic stirrers with stars on the end. I shall try and work out how to type using cyrillic alphabet so I can record how the words "Shirley Temple" look in Bulgarian. Cool.
Am being constantly amused by English translations of Bulgarian food and drink names. On one menu we were offered Spinach Stumps, Beer Balls and Happy Bits... Cocktails to tempt included Wind In Your Face and Man's Secrets. No thanks, I'll stick with the Shirley Temples and maybe a Roy Rogers if I can find one...