Tuesday, August 29, 2006

Joan Blondell's Chicken Chop Suey

"It amazes me how some of these little numbers with dreamy looks and a dead pan are getting away with it. I'd hate to see them on stage with a dog act."

Joan Blondell is without a doubt my absolute favourite actress and it was with great pleasure that I cooked up her Chicken Chop Suey for Bette and Joan C this evening without too much fuss. No fighting between the ladies, mostly civilised dining behaviour. No scrapping, no breaking of bottles, no voices raised, no dramas. All windows in the house remain intact. Although I was worried the dish might be too salty for the modern taste, they went back for seconds so I hereby announce it a HIT!

There was much hilarity as Bette thought up a new nickname for the chaw-bacon, "the short sleeved 1950s docker" which made me laugh like a drain. They both kept me amused as they flicked through my "Recipes of the Stars" pamphlet. Yvonne de Carlo posing beside a stove in a backless dress was their favourite. Yvonne looks over her shoulder as she pretends to turn the oven on and Bette said, "that's the look I like, one eye on me and the other on the cooker".

Yvonne's recipe for Salome Salad dressing may be up next - it includes a can of tomato soup...

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