Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Janet Gaynor's Ice Box Cookies

We are back to Janet's Cookies. It is ten past midnight and I have just eaten one. Fact is, I was feeling like a GOOSEBERRY here at Rosalind's place. The politics of relationships are very, very complicated and methinks it really is time to ship out to the sorority house in Walthamstow STAT.

Fact number two is that Janet's Cookies by my estimation were made on Wednesday and frozen overnight. Cooked on Thursday. Bagged up and taken to New York on Friday. Taken on to Washington D.C. on Sunday. Put in my luggage which left D.C. on Monday and arrived in London on Tuesday. The Cookies taste just as good tonight as they did on Thursday fresh out of the oven.

This is the power of Silver Screen Suppers! All the memories of the Summit live on in those little scotchbread circles of wonderment.
Rock and roll Janet Gaynor!

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